Pelvic Factor


Endometriosis and Infertility :

A condition where the lining of the uterus is found functioning at sites other than its usual location. The real cause is not known and the ectopic endometrial tissue may be found anywhere in the pelvis.

On the ovary the functioning Endometrium forms blood cysts with chocolate colored fluid, destroying the ovarian tissue and reducing the ovarian reserve. Further substances produced by the endometriosis affect the various steps of pregnancy. Thus the chance of conceiving or fecundity is reduced in endometriosis. Pain and infertility are the usual complaints. Diagnosis is by ultrasound if there is a cyst. With other modes of disease, laparoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis.

Surgical excision of cyst and adhesion destruction by laparoscopy is mandatory for moderate and severe disease with mild disease, ovulation induction, and Intrauterine insemination can be tried if the tubes are open. Assisted reproduction is resorted to if the disease is severe, or if conservative treatment fails or if the woman is older than 35 years. Surgical removal is recommended. Recurrence is common. repeated surgeries are not advisable as the ovarian reserve diminishes with each surgery. Drugs such as leuprolide injections may be used for 3 months post surgery. However they do not prevent a recurrence, nor do they increase the pregnancy rates except when ART treatment follows their administration.


A condition where the lining of the uterus is found functioning at sites other than its usual location. The real cause is not known and the ectopic endometrial tissue may be found anywhere in the pelvis.

On the ovary the functioning Endometrium forms blood cysts with chocolate colored fluid, destroying the ovarian tissue and reducing the ovarian reserve. Further substances produced by the endometriosis affect the various steps of pregnancy. Thus the chance of conceiving or fecundity is reduced in endometriosis. Pain and infertility are the usual complaints. Diagnosis is by ultrasound if there is a cyst. With other modes of disease, laparoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis.

Surgical excision of cyst and adhesion destruction by laparoscopy is mandatory for moderate and severe disease with mild disease, ovulation induction, and Intrauterine insemination can be tried if the tubes are open. Assisted reproduction is resorted to if the disease is severe, or if conservative treatment fails or if the woman is older than 35 years. Surgical removal is recommended. Recurrence is common. repeated surgeries are not advisable as the ovarian reserve diminishes with each surgery. Drugs such as leuprolide injections may be used for 3 months post surgery. However they do not prevent a recurrence, nor do they increase the pregnancy rates except when ART treatment follows their administration.

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