Reproduction is the unique biological function of any organism ensuring continuity of generations and the gene pool.
The very beginning…….
THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: It begins with two basic cells of the human body – the egg from the woman and the sperm from the man.
The EGG/ OOCYTE – A cell which carries the blueprint (chromosomes) of the mother in half, and is housed in the organ called ovary. Each woman has two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus, close to the opening of the fallopian tubes which is the transit pathway as well as the site of actual union of the egg and the sperm. The numbers of eggs in each ovary (several million) are determined even before birth and unlike the sperms, the egg numbers do not increase through reproductive life. They only undergo the process of maturation in several stages. The egg is always as old as the woman is and therefore the age of the chromosomes as a woman becomes older. Scientists have shown that there is a decline of female fertility after the age of 35 because of the chromosomal aging. The aging may have racial differences. This implies that fertility treatment should be sought as soon as possible if the woman is past her early 30’s.