About Us

  • Greetings from Thamarai Fertility and women’s health Center .
  • The path to a safe and happy motherhood is the dream of every couple as also a healthy infancy and childhood for their children.
  • Team Thamarai works to this goal with the help of experienced gynaecologists, obstetricians, reproductive medicine and fetal medicine specialists, neonatologists ,paediatricians , clinical geneticists ,scientists, and paramedical personnel in a world class infrastructure,audited by the NABH and ISO ,offering personalised solutions in fertility, high risk pregnancy ,fetal medicine and gynaecology.
  • The fertility center of Thamarai, was set up in 2001 , with Australian know how has on record several thousand pregnancies. It has several firsts on record over 2 decades .
  • The difficult situations of subfertile women of older age groups, men with low counts and abnormal sperms and several IVF failures have been successfully handled .The Center is the only one to offer successful soft cycle IVF, keeping the cost and medications minimal.
  • The fetal medicine unit of Thamarai has the state of the art facilities and coupled with tertiary neonatal care has enabled survival of very small infantsThe genetic clinic, lab and counselling facilities , the advanced fetal medicine Center with a high risk pregnancy and neonatal care under one umbrella has resulted in saving lives of high risk mothers and very low birthweight babiesThe antenatal and postnatal classes equip the couple for a smooth sailing through the experience of birthing Pain relief in labour is offered at request.
  • The gynaecology services including laparoscopy, hysteroscopy , cancer screening ,adolescence and menopause clinics cover other health services for women .
  • Pediatrics and neonatology services This encompasses the entire range of successful care supported by state of the art , tertiary care NICU enabling successful outcome for extreme preterm . The continum of similar care extends until adolescence .

The Fertility Center will be the first to have a full set-up of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) clinic in western Tamilnadu. The Genetic clinic offers the latest in diagnostics and treatment. of relevanth genetic diseases.

Drs.Uthraraj & Kannaki have rendered yeoman service to the community of western tamilnadu for over quarter century & they are the chairpersons of the SIMFFER (Siva Meds Fertility & Fetal Research Center) foundation. The objective of this foundation is to conduct research into factors causing infertility, devise low cost methods of ART and prevent birth of abnormal children.

The ART lab and the genetic clinics are set to International standards. The ART laboratory has the facilities for the entire range of modern infertility treatment from simple sperm washing and intra uterine insemination to IVF, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst culture, sperm and embryo freezing by vitrification. It also has facilities to diagnose Y chromosome microdeletion defects and treat specific sperm defects like round headed sperms, immotile sperms and azoospermia.


  • The Fertility Center Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore,
  • Thamarai Fertility Center, Devi Hospital, Salem
  • Thamarai Fertility Center, SM Hospital, BS Surgicare, Ooty
  • Thamarai Fertility Solutions exclusive, Mangai Womens Center, Chennai
  • Thamarai Fertility Center, Siva Meds Multi-specialty Hospital, Pollachi

Why Choose Us

  • Our passion for excellence
  • Our quality of care
  • Our track record

Successful pioneers – ISO & NABH certified.

Thamarai Fertility is one pioneers in fertility services in Tamilnadu,set up three decades ago with Australian know how , and has a track record of several thousand pregnancies.Dr C.V .Kannaki Uthraraj , a pioneer and a key opinion leader of ART practice in India is the director of the unit.
Being one of the few units in India certified both by ISO and NABH , ethics and transparency are our key principles in all treatment protocols . Thus we have created an unique niche of ethical success and trust for ourselves .

Individualised protocols
You are very special to us

Our treatment protocols are highly individualised for your profile to ensure your success and this has been possible only with senior consultants and experienced embryologists designing treatment at every turn for you. For example there are several stimulation protocols, and careful choice of the type of protocol according to your diagnosis is very important. Also , the response may be unexpected and the correction has to be applied as you go by treatment. . The vagaries of treating ‘batches’ of patients with one blanket protocol delivered by a junior consultant is not the way to go in fertility treatment. Further our care and support for the patient in extraordinary circumstances often goes into the zone of an extended family.

Our pillars

State of the art setup, Quality control , clinical and embryology experience , compassionate care , affordable costs and ethics.

With our unique three decade experience , we pour our heart soul and knowledge into every patient treatment protocol for success. Strict quality control , update of the lab , and double backup of all equipment and staff ensures that nothing goes amiss when your baby is formed in the lab.

The cost factor

State of the art setup, Quality control , clinical and embryology experience , compassionate care , affordable costs and ethics.

  • The myth that fertility treatments are expensive not the truth. Many couples have success with simple corrective measures like weight reduction and correction of coital problems. However we are equally concerned about the clock ticking away and counsel for assisted reproduction in special circumstances.
  • Cost is an issue for many couples and we offer less expensive successful cycles to the needy ones. We are proud to say that we have done successful cost effective ART for even the lower socioeconomic groups. We have special protocols developed for low cost modified natural cycles which are successful even with retrieving a single egg.
  • A financial counselling at the start of treatment is printed out individually for each patient. There are no hidden additions such as “ ICSI , blastocyst culture , hatching, etc “ in the estimate.
  • We keep in mind the affordability of the patient and
    All our procedures are day care eliminating unnecessary hospitalisation and for patients who are from outstation, we arrange lodging facilities outside the hospital according to their choices.

Overseas patients

  • Our overseas patients come in after meticulous planning with us across emails so that the stay is minimised and are taken care of by our public relations officers from arrival to departure.
  • Our dedication and passion for excellence has made us first among equals in successful and quality fertility care

The continuum of care

  • Conception after treatment for sub fertility very often requires extended care into pregnancy by experts in maternal fetal medicine and highly qualified neonatologists. Our tertiary care set up for fetal medicine , genetics and neonatology ensures that even the very low birthweight or premature babies go home as well babies. We have made parents who had 500 gm and 24 week premature babies take home a healthy infant .
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