
The center was the first to initiate research in the field of infertility.

Study of heavy metals in semen and impact on semen parameters in a sample population of infertile males in Coimbatore, (in collaboration with Bharathiyar University) was the first major work which revealed the correlation between cadmium excess and impact on semen parameters. A similar study on pesticides is being planned.

Thamarai Fertility & Women’s Health Center is in the front of research in the field of reproductive medicine, fetal medicine, and genetics. All research is funded personally and by the SIMFFER foundation, Our comparative study of heavy metals in the semen of infertile and fertile men has reported that the infertile men had higher cadmium level in semen. This research was done in collaboration with Bharathiyar University Coimbatore. The Y chromosome microdeletion study in infertile men in Coimbatore district ( The study showed that there was no increase in Ymicrideletions compared to world incidence)

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