I was 24 when I consulted Dr. Kannaki for severe menstrual pain disabling my lifestyle. The scan showed a large area of adenomyosis occupying the front wall of the uterus. I have advised surgery and underwent removal of almost half the uterus. We had a very bleak picture regarding the sustenance of pregnancy. Dr. Kannaki advised me to undergo a simple IUI as my tubes were open and husbands sperm was normal. I conceived in the second cycle and delivered a baby girl at 34 weeks as I had premature labor. Adenomyosis conceived.
My husband and I are in the aviation industry and were based in Mumbai. I was 40 yrs when we started treatment for infertility and was diagnosed to have a large fibroid. We heard about Dr. Kannaki and came and met her in Coimbatore. After counseling, we decided to move to Coimbatore. I first underwent a laparoscopic myomectomy with her. I was all geared up for IVF when Dr. Kannaki suggested I undergo a cycle of IUI. To our pleasant surprise, I conceived in that cycle and delivered a baby boy at term. We were grateful that we were advised a trial of IUI though an IVF was indicated. Poor ovarian reserve and conception with soft cycle.
I was diagnosed as poor ovarian reserve at the age of 38 yrs after IVF treatment. Our reserves for treatment were exhausted and at that point we met Dr. Kannaki who recommended a soft cycle with minimal drugs. The cost was one fourth of a full cycle. I had 2 eggs retrieved and one embryo developed which was replaced. I conceived and delivered my daughter. I can never thank Dr. Kannaki enough.
We were fed up with fertility treatment. Too many ICSI programs across many cities in India. I was approaching thirty with six years of married life. A friend of mine in Chennai has conceived with Dr. Kannakis treatment and recommended that we give one last shot at ICSI. With more disbelief than hope, we went to Coimbatore from Chennai and I was frustrated when my ovarian response was poor even with a high dose of hormones. However, Dr. Kannaki insisted that we go thro ICSI even wit none egg of moderate quality. We had a single embryo transfer after assisted hatching, we had one embryo, not a great quality which was transferred. We prayed and the prayers were answered. Our daughter Ashmitha is the center of our world, thanks to Dr. Kannaki we are a happy family. Success after many IVF failures.
I am a doctor working in Uk. My husband is also a doctor and when we checked for fertility, my husband's sperm count was below 1 million per ml and my ovaries were polycystic. We were offered ICSI. However, we found the costing was high. Since we were from Tamilnadu, we checked the net and found Dr. Kannakis name and decided to meet her. I conceived in the first cycle and delivered a boy. i cam back again had frozen erabryos and had twin girls.
We were diagnosed with low sperm count after one year of trying for a baby. The sperms all were seen to have round heads. We had regular ICSI which was unsuccessful Dr. Kannaki counseled us after Y chromosome testing. ICSI was done after special treatment of my husband's sperms with calcium. We conceived our first baby and it was a girl. We went back for a second baby with the same procedure. We were very happy that we had children with my husband's sperms though it was defective. My children are 5 and 3 years doing well in school. We feel blessed. Pregnancy with round headed sperms.
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