Ultrasound (including 3D in special cases) Office procedure. Simple, cost-effective, noninvasive test which gives maximum information about pelvic masses including ovarian cysts.
Ultrasound (including 3D in special cases) Office procedure. Simple, cost-effective, noninvasive test which gives maximum information about pelvic masses including ovarian cysts.
More detailed information regarding pelvic masses and fibroids is obtained form MRI This does not involve radiation.
Though an invasive investigation it is the gold standard for diagnosis of endometriosis which affects the pelvis. Pelvic adhesions caused by the various condition can be diagnosed only by laparoscopy Several hundred patients have been treated over the past two decades and have achieved successful pregnancies.
It is done under anesthesia as a day care procedure.
Hysteroscopic inspection of the uterine cavity is combined with laparoscopy. The main advantage of hysterolaparoscopy is that the treatment of adhesions and masses can be done at the same sitting. CT scan of the pelvis is done in special situations.
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