Baseline Scan & Follicular Study

The basic tests start with the evaluation of egg quality and growth. The human egg is too small to be seen by ultrasound. The follicle housing and nourishing the egg can be seen by ultrasound. Therefore tracking the follicle with ultrasound is the simplest and cost-effective way to assess the egg.

Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS)evaluation of the ovary, ( painless ) will detail follicle growth in response to drugs and will guide the time for fertilization. This will also identify specific problems of ovulation. This is also known as FOLLICULAR TRACKING or monitoring. It has to be done serially in the cycle usually starting on cycle day 13. The study has to be done during every month of treatment as the pattern may differ according to treatment. This gives a complete picture of the follicular growth which in turn reflects that of the egg. However, there can be disparities. The egg is not visible on ultrasound. However, the growth of the follicle parallels the maturity of the egg. The mature follicle measures 17 mm across.

The inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium grows in response to the estradiol hormone secreted by the follicle lining cells. Hence a three-layer appearance like leaf ensures a good follicular function.


Prior appointment is needed, The test for the lady requires a full bladder at the first scan. Subsequent scans do not require a full bladder. Fasting is not needed, Day 7 or 13 is the day of the start of a scan. An earlier scan may be needed if cycles are short. Serial scans are needed to track the growth for 2 to 3 days (at no extra cost). This helps to fix the time of ovulation.

Scans for ART cycle start from D2 of a cycle or even in the last week of the previous cycle according to the drug protocol & are more frequent. The hormone dosage is adjusted according to follicular growth.


  • A slender probe with a protective disposable cover and jelly is inserted into the vagina to visualize the ovary and uterus in detail.
  • It is like the digital examination by the doctor.
  • There is usually no bleeding following the procedure
  • The discomfort is mild

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