Tests for the Tubes and Uterus


It is done by abdominal and vaginal route :

A full bladder is needed for the abdominal scan, while the bladder needs to be empty for the transvaginal scan(TVS). Both the scans can be done even after a meal. The TVS involves the insertion of a slender lubricated .condom protected probe and causes very little discomfort very similar to a bimanual examination by the doctor. The uterus and the ovaries can be imaged easily. The lining of the uterus is also well seen as a TRIPLE LINE indicating good estrogen secretion. The hormonal changes are usually reflected in the endometrium. The ovaries and the adnexae are also imaged alongside. The tubes are not seen in a plain ultrasound. In cases of doubt, an MRI scan (eg for multiple fibroids) will be needed


A few ml of saline is instilled into the uterine cavity and the cavity is outlined well. This is a simple, painless and inexpensive test to study the interior of the uterus. If the dye Echovist is used, the tubes are also outlined well. The accuracy then matches the HSG,


The HSG is essentially an X-ray of the Fallopian tubes and uterus to ensure that the interior of the uterus and tubes are normal. Tubal block and abnormalities of the uterine cavity are clearly outlined by this test.

  • HSG will be done by the X-ray department or diagnostic imaging unit.
  • An appointment may be got within the first ten days of the cycle. there should be no bleeding on the day
  • There may be mild discomfort and bearable pain like menstrual cramps
  • Any allergies should be informed and an attendant is necessary
  • The positioning is similar to gynec examinations and a small Cannula is inserted into the cervix so that a contrast dye can be injected into the uterine cavity and images are taken.
  • Deep breathing and concentrating on the breathing will make the procedure less painful
  • The procedure is over within 15 to 20 minutes. A sanitary napkin may be needed. The pain will actually vary from woman to woman but most people will feel that cramping sensation.
  • It is much simpler to do an HSG than opt to do a tubal patency testing by diagnostic laparoscopy under anesthesia.


This test is noninvasive imaging and gives a clear picture of the pelvis.


It is also a test for the study of the uterus. It involves keyhole surgery under anesthesia. (see endoscopy)

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